Une Production Hanuman Film
Un Film de Kulikar Sotho
Empire Magazine
“The spotlight falls on another lost tradition
in Kulikar Sotho’s The Last Reel, a deeply
moving memoir of the golden age of
Cambodian cinema that was all but
eradicated by the Khmer Rouge.”
The Hollywood Reporter
“With The Last Reel, Cambodian cinema’s
resurgence as a filmmaking force continues
apace.Sotho Kulikar conjures remarkable
performances from her lead actresses.”
“The re-emergence of Cambodian cinema
continues impressively with “The Last Reel,”
a well-produced, thematically rich drama
about a rebellious female student
in contemporary Phnom Penh”
Sound on Sight
"Female director Kulikar Sotho’s debut
is a resonating testament to the power
of cinema, the relationship between
subjectivity and history, and how
society struggles to deal with the
ghosts of its past."
The Playlist on Indiewire
“The Last Reel” has both educational and
deeply emotional impact…
affecting and gripping…
a passionate cri de coeur.”